the dog whistle syndrome

People live in the world of quantum physics. But their teachers, medical practitioners, and security agencies prefer Newtonian physics. Just. Think. Through. The. Implications. I have already suggested that individuals such as the American thinker, economist, mathematician and all round good egg John Nash – accused in his own fairly brutal epoch of schizophrenia – as well as my own reasonably good self, treated improperly … Continue reading the dog whistle syndrome

“why don’t people EVER level up?”

Some #reflections on how #communication doesn’t Bullies have a word for honesty and sincerity: they call it snitching. Conversely, people who say you’re behaving like a snitch are bullies. Throughout my life there has been a common thread: people encouraging me to tell lies. Yesterday, one man approached me at the end of my shift, whilst in a private space of public use and waiting … Continue reading “why don’t people EVER level up?”

this thing gloriously called “peritaje social” …

I have a family member who unashamedly, proudly, self-declares in a work context to be a bitch. Her words, not mine; and proclaimed to many more people than myself. So for a change, no secrets unveiled here. But one example of how bullies get to rule over the world of business, politics, work, and alleged leisure. And get properly rewarded for it too. Today, I … Continue reading this thing gloriously called “peritaje social” …

“an open source project to deliver a bully-killing #ai …”

Some preliminary thoughts I want to make money, a lot of it. But I want to make money legitimately, not just legally. Legal means nothing when zemiology is the outcome of justice, law, business practice and organised gangs. Why I set up Better Biz Me in the first place This is, then, why I set up the Better Biz Me project. It started out, back … Continue reading “an open source project to deliver a bully-killing #ai …”

“towards a REAL free-market economy and Good Democracy” – using #ar, #ai, and #cloud

… a journey in six parts Part the 1st: on being an arts-based tech researcher In always productive conversation the other day with the always generous (in all senses) Thomas Gorry of #liverpool #ai fame, #quanovo, he raised the issue of what I am: more precisely, how I saw myself. How everyone sees Thomas is how every good businessperson and human being would want to … Continue reading “towards a REAL free-market economy and Good Democracy” – using #ar, #ai, and #cloud

“a tech researcher with an art-based mindset” – #me and #we

In always productive conversation yesterday with the always generous (in all senses) Thomas Gorry of #liverpool #ai fame, #quanovo, he raised the issue of what I am: more precisely, how I saw myself. How everyone sees Thomas is how every good businessperson and human being would want to be remembered as: sincere, professional, thirsty for new learning, expanding of humanity, aspirational but never tramplingly ambitious … Continue reading “a tech researcher with an art-based mindset” – #me and #we

“why criminality fears we shall validate intuitive thinking”

Assumption I start with the ever-overarching assumption that when something can be imagined by you or me, someone else has already imagined it way before. And – in a totally digital era – where something has been imagined, very soon it is already fact: that is to say, a working and completely operative reality. Your and my reality, and very often without us realising it … Continue reading “why criminality fears we shall validate intuitive thinking”

“tagging our futures” – some thoughts on #defendingtherealm

#ar #ai #cloud #intuition #arationalthinking #highleveldomainexpertise #terrorism #neoterrorism on the #masses #neoterrorism on the #individual #nationalsecurity #security #safety #cybercrime #cyberwarfare #cyberterrorism #you #me #allofus #leapoffaith The thing is, new kinds of #digitalcrime happen way before they are detected. This is always the case because the private sector, #siliconvalley primarily, researches the concepts and means and tools way before they release them on the market, and … Continue reading “tagging our futures” – some thoughts on #defendingtherealm

#soulmates or, actually, #mathsmates?

I just posted this calculation. If my numbers are right, the significance is twofold. 41 was the age I was improperly imprisoned in a mental institution in Chester UK, for seeing too much around the time of the lead-up to the Iraq War in 2003. But the numerology (let’s accept it’s a concept and tool worth pursuing, for the moment) of my full first name, … Continue reading #soulmates or, actually, #mathsmates?

vindicating john nash (ii): imagine a world where data became unnecessary

I recently touched on the possibility that John Forbes Nash Jr was not possessed of a debilitating mental illness, but rather of a cruelly misunderstood skillset. Here, now, the assumptions which lead me to come to such conclusions: I assume Nash had a super-skill, which many persons who are diagnosed with schizophrenia (in particular, paranoid) share. I am not suggesting he detected Russians that no … Continue reading vindicating john nash (ii): imagine a world where data became unnecessary