as i walked out one midwinter day¹

Today, in Chester, a man who knew me, but me not him, a comedian – who laughs at, never with, and so therefore said he considered himself a philosopher – approached me.

I was minding my own business. He wasn’t, his.

I told him about my ideas, and he smiled – as I said – not with me, but at.

He is of the same baldly bullying mould as my father; as the consultant psychiatrist who buried my life; as the extreme child-porn collecting GP who, alongside my father, helped him; as the pharmaceutical consultant from Liverpool who last year attempted to destroy my business aspirations on behalf of his fellow consultants; as the latter’s friend, the marketing bigwig of the North West of England, who shut off my supplier line totally … these people, all men, have plagued my life because I refuse to be their bitch, and bully others as they would have me do.

And I shall continue into the future as I must. On behalf of a #futurefemale, all the way.



¹ A piece of citizen journalese.

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